Mise à jour pour les produits Apple AirPort et Time Capsule 802.11n

Mise à jour Apple - Update Apple

Au début du mois, Apple pro­po­sait une mise à jour de sécu­rité firmware numérotée 7.9.1 pour ses bornes Air­port et Time Cap­sule 802.11ac, c’est au tour du matériel répon­dant à la norme 802.11n d’être mis à jour en avec une mise à jour de sécu­rité firmware estampil­lée ver­sion 7.8.1.

Tous les matériels de nos clients cou­verts par nos con­trats de sauve­g­arde / sécu­rité ont été mis à jour sans délai.

Pour rap­pel, Apple ne com­mer­cialise plus de sys­tème Time Cap­sule ou Air­Port et a for­tiori de cette norme veil­lis­sante 802.11n, Ex Cal­i­bra peut vous pro­pos­er d’ex­cel­lentes solu­tions éprou­vées avec les NAS Syn­ol­o­gy pour assur­er les sauve­g­ardes TimeMa­chine ou réseau sans fil mail­lé Mesh pour tout besoin en cou­ver­ture éten­due de réseau WiFi…

AirPort Base Station Firmware Update 7.8.1

Air­Port Base Sta­tion Firmware
Avail­able for: Air­Port Express, Air­Port Extreme, and Air­Port Time Cap­sule base sta­tions with 802.11n
Impact: A remote attack­er may be able to leak memory
Descrip­tion: An out-of-bounds read was addressed with improved input validation.
CVE-2019–8581: Lucio Albornoz

Air­Port Base Sta­tion Firmware
Avail­able for: Air­Port Express, Air­Port Extreme, and Air­Port Time Cap­sule base sta­tions with 802.11n
Impact: A remote attack­er may be able to cause a sys­tem denial of service
Descrip­tion: A null point­er deref­er­ence was addressed with improved input validation.
CVE-2019–8588: Vince Cali (@0x56)

Air­Port Base Sta­tion Firmware
Avail­able for: Air­Port Express, Air­Port Extreme, and Air­Port Time Cap­sule base sta­tions with 802.11n
Impact: A remote attack­er may be able to cause arbi­trary code execution
Descrip­tion: A use after free issue was addressed with improved mem­o­ry management.
CVE-2019–8578: Maxime Villard

Air­Port Base Sta­tion Firmware
Avail­able for: Air­Port Express, Air­Port Extreme, and Air­Port Time Cap­sule base sta­tions with 802.11n
Impact: A remote attack­er may be able to cause a sys­tem denial of service
Descrip­tion: A denial of ser­vice issue was addressed with improved validation.
CVE-2018–6918: Maxime Villard

Air­Port Base Sta­tion Firmware
Avail­able for: Air­Port Express, Air­Port Extreme, and Air­Port Time Cap­sule base sta­tions with 802.11n
Impact: A base sta­tion fac­to­ry reset may not delete all user information
Descrip­tion: The issue was addressed with improved data deletion.
CVE-2019–8575: joshua stein

Air­Port Base Sta­tion Firmware
Avail­able for: Air­Port Express, Air­Port Extreme, and Air­Port Time Cap­sule base sta­tions with 802.11n
Impact: An attack­er in a priv­i­leged posi­tion may be able to per­form a denial of ser­vice attack
Descrip­tion: A denial of ser­vice issue was addressed with improved mem­o­ry handling.
CVE-2019–7291: Maxime Villard

Air­Port Base Sta­tion Firmware
Avail­able for: Air­Port Express, Air­Port Extreme, and Air­Port Time Cap­sule base sta­tions with 802.11n
Impact: Source-rout­ed IPv4 pack­ets may be unex­pect­ed­ly accepted
Descrip­tion: Source-rout­ed IPv4 pack­ets were dis­abled by default.
CVE-2019–8580: Maxime Villard

Air­Port Base Sta­tion Firmware
Avail­able for: Air­Port Express, Air­Port Extreme, and Air­Port Time Cap­sule base sta­tions with 802.11n
Impact: A remote attack­er may be able to cause arbi­trary code execution
Descrip­tion: A null point­er deref­er­ence was addressed with improved input validation.
CVE-2019–8572: Maxime Villard

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