Mise à jour de sécurité pour Mac OS X Mojave 10.14.3


Apple a pub­lié une mise à jour de sécu­rité qui règle notam­ment la faille de sécu­rité majeure qui per­me­t­tait d’ac­tiv­er le micro d’une per­son­ne dis­tante.


Impact: The ini­tia­tor of a Group Face­Time call may be able to cause the recip­i­ent to answer

Descrip­tion: A log­ic issue exist­ed in the han­dling of Group Face­Time calls. The issue was addressed with improved state management.

CVE-2019–6223: Grant Thomp­son of Catali­na Foothills High School, Dav­en Mor­ris of Arling­ton, TX


Impact: An appli­ca­tion may be able to gain ele­vat­ed privileges

Descrip­tion: A mem­o­ry cor­rup­tion issue was addressed with improved input validation.

CVE-2019–7286: an anony­mous researcher, Clement Lecigne of Google Threat Analy­sis Group, Ian Beer of Google Project Zero, and Samuel Groß of Google Project Zero

Live Photos in FaceTime

Impact: A thor­ough secu­ri­ty audit of the Face­Time ser­vice uncov­ered an issue with Live Photos

Descrip­tion: The issue was addressed with improved val­i­da­tion on the Face­Time server.

CVE-2019–7288: Apple

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