Mise à jour d’OmniOutliner en version 4.4.1


OmniOut­lin­er 4.4.1 est une mise à jour mineure qui cor­ri­gent un cer­tains nom­bres de bugs et plan­tages possibles :

Mis­es à jour :

  • URLs — Auto­mat­ic detec­tion of URLs now relies on the OS.
  • Local­iza­tions — Local­iza­tions have been updat­ed for recent changes.

Cor­rec­tifs :

  • Batch Find — Focus­ing or unfo­cus­ing on rows should now cor­rect­ly update the scope of any active search
  • Key­board short­cuts — Named styles can now be delet­ed by select­ing it in the side­bar and push­ing the delete key
  • Inspec­tors — The inspec­tor should no longer auto-switch to the Doc­u­ments tab when edit­ing starts on a non-rich text cell
  • Exports — Should text end up with a line height mul­ti­ple of 0, it will be set to a rea­son­able val­ue when export­ed to docx
  • Exports — Re-adjust­ed how font weights are mapped to CSS val­ues for HTML exports
  • Exports — Fixed an issue with quo­ta­tion marks in row text caus­ing incor­rect out­put under cer­tain cir­cum­stances for CSV export
  • Exports — URL data will now appear in CSV exports
  • Inter­face — Fixed a white square appear­ing in the Con­tents list when scroll bars appeared for both directions
  • Misc — Fixed a bizarre glitch trig­gered by using Paste and Match Style in non-rich text cells
  • Sta­bil­i­ty — Fixed a crash set­ting the back­ground col­or of the whole doc­u­ment to a col­or from the Devel­op­er palette
  • Sta­bil­i­ty — Fixed a rare crash encoun­tered with using the preferences
  • Sta­bil­i­ty — Fixed a rare crash with dis­miss­ing the the Resource Browser
  • Sta­bil­i­ty — Fixed a crash due to undo­ing the cre­ation of a new row by drag­ging con­tent out of a date column

Lien de télécharge­ment direct : http://www.omnigroup.com/ftp1/pub/software/MacOSX/10.10/OmniOutliner‑4.4.1.dmg

Source : https://www.omnigroup.com/releasenotes/OmniOutliner/4.4.1


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